Friday, August 28, 2009

Marilyn's Story

Marilyn had fallen asleep in the back bedroom with the TV still on, the room illuminated by the picture tube when a noise aroused her later on that night. Looking in the mirror, she saw something black and flying through the room. Turning toward the window, she watched as it flew past the TV, and then out the closed window. She said that the incident didn’t scare her as much as it simply disturbed her, and she had trouble returning to sleep that night.

“That was weird,” Marilyn, unafraid of an evil spirit, thought to herself. We both believe there are spirits in this house (from where, neither of us are sure) but we both have no feeling that they are evil spirits. I have always felt safe in this house, somehow protected.

Perhaps the dark flying creature was but a friendly specter, checking on our well-being while we slept.

Louisiana Mystery Writer

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