Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Vivian Confidential - Part Four

Ray and I climbed into the back of G's tan Fairlane, G and S all smiles in the front seat. Yes, they apparently were as bored as we were.

"Let's drive down to the Bossier Strip," I suggested. "Go dancing at the Whisk-A-Go-go."

When Ray kicked my leg, I quickly remembered why that would be a bad idea. The main reason we had hitch-hiked to Vivian, anyway, was because we were both short on cash. I held my breath while waiting for the girls' answer, desperately trying to concoct a reason for backing out of the offer -- if they were to accept it. I needn't have worried.

"Sounds fun," G said, "But we have to drive over to the Stateline Road and get some gas."

Both girls were from nearby Hosston, a tiny town on the other side of Black Bayou. It was about 7 miles away via a winding road.

"Let us tag along and I'll show you the grave of the hanged abolishionist, out by Lake Stratford," I said.

"Tonight's a full moon and we might see the ghost."

"Ghost."Both girls giggled when they exclaimed the word in unison.

"You bet," I said. The hanged man had a giant German Sheppard. They say the dog lay under the tree for a week. Until someone finally cut down the body. After that, he disappeared and no one ever saw him again. At least alive.

"By this time, I had everyone's attention. Even Ray's. I was even scaring myself a little.

"Alive?" S said. "What do you mean?"

"Just that on the night of a full moon, the dog's been seen guarding the abolishionist's grave. You want me to show you?"

"There's no ghost," G said. "You're just trying to scare us."

"He scared me," S said.

Everyone laughed when Ray said, "Me too."

The laughter was all it took to bond us into a unified ghost hunting group and I took a deep, anticipatory breath as G cranked the car and spun her Fairlane's wheels in the gravel of the Tastee-Freez parking lot.

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