Monday, October 08, 2007

Diamonds and Lemon Drop Candy

Diamonds in Arkansas, you say? Real diamonds? Just ask a recent Wisconsin visitor to the Crater of Diamonds in Arkansas. Bob Wehle of Ripon, Wisconsin walked away from the park on October 14 with a 5.47 carat canary yellow diamond that looked a lot like “lemon-drop candy.” This gem, worth about $75,000, is not even the largest diamond found at the park this year. That record goes to a 6.35 carat brown diamond found in September.

Known by many as the richest 160 acres on the face of the earth, the Murfressboro diamond deposit also is the home of the hardest diamonds found on earth. This deposit of diamonds is extremely rare because it occurs at the earth’s surface.

Are there more diamond pipes in Arkansas as yet undiscovered? Read my new book A Gathering of Diamonds and learn the answer.

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