Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Circle of Life

The ancients were avid students of astrology. Many early civilizations followed the cycles of the sun, moon and earth with mathmatical accuracy. Druids, Mayans and American Indians - as well as inhabitants of ancient Ireland - constructed elaborate stone cairns to assist in pinpointing both the autumnal and vernal equinox, and the summer and winter solstices.

Yesterday was the vernal, or spring, equinox. Quite literally, this means there are twelve hours of darkness and twelve hours of light, an event that occurs only twice every year. Pagans and neo-pagans celebrated this day as holy.

Holy or not, the cycles of the universe, life and death, are of interest, like the ancients, to all of us. It's a pity that there is little or no written record of the secrets the ancients possibly knew. And isn't it interesting the seemingly worldwide knowledge of the nether-science of astrology that not one person in a thousand knows today?

http://www.ericwilder.com http://www.gondwanapress.com

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