Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Noble County Swimming Hole

Here is a picture of a swimming hole located in a pasture in Noble County, Oklahoma.
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Hound of Christmas - a short story
Eric Wilder
Snow blew through the cabin's front door as Skylar=s grandfather carried in another log for the fire. Skylar crossed her arms against the chill as she watched Gramps dump the log on the fire and then breathe into his hands while slowly rubbing them together.
AWind=s picked up out there,@ he said as he poked the logs on the fire. AIf it doesn't let up, we=ll be snowed in by tomorrow.@
Mattie didn=t answer, barely glancing up at her father-in-law as he pulled off his coat and sat in his old Afghan-draped cane chair. After rocking the baby=s cradle beside her, she continued stringing popcorn on a length of twine.
Grandpa smiled and ruffled Skylar=s hair. AWhat do you want for Christmas, Sky?@
ANothing, Gramps,@ she answered.
AWell, I=ll bet Santa brings you something nice.@
His words brought unexpected tears to Skylar=s eyes and she said, AI=m too old to believe in Santa Claus anymore.@
AToo old? Nonsense, you=re only seven. Of course there=s a Santa Claus.@
Skylar sat at the foot of her grandfather=s rocker, touched his knee and said, AIt=s okay with me, Gramps, even if there is no Santa.@
ABaby, Santa=s no more than an angel, and I guarantee there are angels right here on this earth among us. Sometimes we just don=t see them. Still, if you don't stop believing, they always show up when we need them most.@
Later that night, Skylar scaled the ladder to her bed in the log cabin=s loft. Before going to sleep, she knelt on the floor and said a prayer.
ALord, I know there are people out there that need your help more than me but Gramps says it=s always okay to ask, so here goes. Dad has been so moody and angry since losing his job, would you please cheer him up so he and Mom will stop fighting?@
The first one out of bed Christmas Eve morning, Skylar put a log on the coals in the fireplace and then peeked out the front door. A carpet of white blanketed the ground outside, and most of the rustic front porch. It was several miles from the nearest paved road and only the gentle rustle of a cold morning breeze through pine boughs made any sound at all.
Skylar shivered but took a walk around the house to the barn, throwing a few snowballs at the shrubbery. Returning to the porch, she started back inside when she heard a cough. Glancing around, she saw a long tail sticking out from beneath the tarp covering the pile of wood on the porch. When she approached, the tail slowly began to wag. Skylar grabbed the edge of the tarp and pulled it up. Staring back at her was the biggest dog she had ever seen. He was black with a striking tan chest, and had big loppy ears and tan spots over both eyes.
AYou okay, boy?@ She asked, cautiously touching the large animal=s furry coat.
The big dog continued wagging his tail and licked her hand. It was then she noticed how skinny he was, his ribs protruding through matted hair. He was more than just skinny. From the blood caked on his rear haunch, she could see he was also wounded. Skylar put her arms around the animal=s neck and hugged him.
Before returning to the warmth of the house, Skylar peeked inside to see if her father was awake yet. He wasn't but her gramps was, and also her mother, nursing her baby brother as she sat in her own rocking chair.
AWhat you got there, Sky?@ Gramps asked.
Mattie looked up and saw the large animal. AWhat are you doing? You can=t bring that dog in here.@
AHe was freezing, Mom, and he=s hurt. Please?@
AYour Dad will kill us all if he awakes and finds that creature in the house.@
AMattie, the animal=s hurt,@ the old man said.
Mattie shook her head and handed the baby to her father-in-law. AI=ll put an extra blanket on Dan. Maybe he will stay in bed a little longer before he gets up.@
When Mattie disappeared into the room in back, Gramps examined the cut on the dog=s hind leg. ASomething got this big boy pretty good. He must have been in a heck of a tangle. Sky, get me a damp rag from the kitchen.@
Skylar returned from the sink with the rag and a biscuit from last night=s dinner that she had dipped in bacon grease. The big dog gobbled it down in one bite as Gramps cleaned his wound and applied a coating of iodine to it.
AWhere did he come from?@ Skylar asked.
AWho knows? From the looks of those ribs, he has been on his own for a while.@
Gramps and Skylar both turned when they heard the gruff words of Sky=s dad. AHe was Jess Blanton=s dog. He must have run off when the old man died.@
AThen can we keep him?@
AWhy hell no. We barely got enough to eat around here to feed ourselves, much less that overgrown hound. Go ahead and get him out of here.@
AHe is hurt. Can=t he stay in for just a little while longer?@
Before Dan could answer, Mattie said, AIt=s almost Christmas, Dan. Why can=t you lay off of her, at least for today?@
Dan started to speak. Seeing an argument starting to ensue, Gramps said, AThe big boy looks just like the one you had in high school.@
Dan glanced at the dog, and then back at his wife. "I said to get it out of here and I don't mean next week."
Skylar was sitting on the floor by the fireplace, her arms around the big animal's neck. When Dan approached, the dog uttered a low growl. Dan cocked his foot, as if about to kick him in the ribs. Seeing what was about to occur, Skylar draped herself across the dog and held on. Mattie jumped up from her chair and grabbed her husband's raised arm.
"Don't you do it again! I swear, this time I'll get Gramp's shotgun and shoot you myself."
Dan just stood there, his arm extended in a frozen arc, staring angry bullet holes into Mattie's eyes. Gramps, moving quickly for an old man, joined Mattie and grabbed Dan's other arm.
"Son," he said, "You swing that fist and you better get ready to spend Christmas alone."
After a long pause, Dan relaxed his arm, pulled free of Mattie and Gramps, and then strode to the far wall. Leaning against it, he lowered his head and emitted a pained sigh.
"Now my family's turning against me," he said. "What do you expect me to do? We're almost out of money and we don't hardly even have a slice of bologna to eat for Christmas dinner, much less any presents. Now my daughter wants to adopt another hungry mouth."
All the anger gone out of her, Mattie rushed to her husband, again grabbing his arm, but this time to console him. "It's all right, Dan. We'll make do. We always have."
"Yeah, well how are we going to do that?" he asked.
"Growing up, you were the best hunter in the County. Take my old shotgun and shoot some game," Gramps said.
"We only got two shells left. What if I miss?"
"Well Son, that seems to be the point. You don't even try anymore. It's been a month since you looked for a job to replace the one you lost. And what if you do miss? We won't be a whit worse off than we are."
Dan's wavy brown hair had grown unruly from too long between cuttings and he no longer even bothered combing it. Mattie had noticed but hadn't said anything, not wanting to provoke yet another angry tirade. As if suddenly realizing his unkempt appearance, he raked his hand through his mop of hair and then returned to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him without replying to his father's admonition.
Mattie and Gramps stared at the closed door as Skylar knelt beside the big hound, her arms around his neck as she wept softly. Finally, Gramps joined her, fingering the worn metal tag attached to the faded red collar around his neck.
"His name is Casey," he said, rubbing the massive head that looked too large for its withered body.
"Gramps," Skylar said, her dark eyes red and welling with tears she was trying without much success to hold back. "Please don't make me throw him out in the snow."
Gramps put his hand on Sky's shoulder and shook his head. "Baby, sometimes we just don't have control over what we want to do."
"It's just not fair," Skylar said, unable to hold back tears that began rolling down her cheeks.
Mattie tried not to notice, turning away and grabbing a broom to sweep some invisible speck of dust under the kitchen table. Soon, the bedroom door opened. It was Dan, his hair slicked down with water and combed, his two-day growth of beard freshly shaven. He was dressed in boots and old hunting jacket, his Dad's lever-action, single-shot twenty-gauge under his arm. The room grew quiet when he cleared his throat.
"I been doing some thinking and there's something I want to say. I know there's no excuse for the way I been acting." Skylar and Gramps exchanged knowing glances when he said, "Sky, your mom would have never said nothing about it, but I hit her with my fist the other night. It wasn't right, and I'm not proud of doing it. I love your mom. She's the best person I've ever known in my life and I promise before all of you, right here and now that it won't happen ever again."
Mattie was still staring at the bare floor beneath the straw bristles of the broom, but her green eyes began welling with tears. Gramps started to say something but Dan held up his hand and shook his head.
Dan walked to where Skylar remained on her knees beside the big dog. Squatting down, he squeezed her shoulder with one hand and rubbed the dog's belly with the other.
"Sky, I know I haven't always been the best dad in the world, especially here lately, but I promise I'll work at doing better. After Christmas, I'm going to town and not coming back without a job. I want you to make a Christmas wish. Don't tell me now but just think on it a while. Whatever it is, I promise I'll find a way to fill it for you."
By now, Skylar and Mattie were both hugging Dan as the big dog's tail pounded slowly against the floor. Quickly, Gramps joined the group hug. After a long minute, Dan unraveled himself from their arms and retrieved the shotgun leaning against the wall.
"I'm going hunting. With a little luck, we will have something more than biscuits and pork and beans for Christmas dinner tomorrow."
When Dan opened the door, Casey rolled painfully to his feet and followed him outside to the porch.
"Skylar, keep him here, by the fire."
"Take him with you," Gramps said. "He look's like a hunting dog. Maybe he'll help you find some game."
"I can do this on my own."
"I don't doubt that one bit, but we can all use a helping hand now and then," Gramps said.
Dan started to say something. Thinking better of it, he shook his head as the black and tan hound followed him through the snow. Holding open the passenger door of his old pickup, Dan waited for the dog to hop in. When he realized that the animal's hurt leg was preventing him from doing so, he grabbed him around the chest and hoisted him into the front seat.
They were soon out of sight of the homestead's clearing, reaching the deeply forested area surrounding the snowy mountainside after a five minute drive. When Dan opened the pickup door, the big hound jumped out with some difficulty. Before they had trudged a hundred yards, Casey had taken the lead, his nose to the snow and his gimpy leg less noticeable than before. He quickly picked up the scent of a rabbit as he shuffled along beneath tall trees with branches drooping from heavy snow.
Dan began seeing tracks, just as the big dog stopped and went into a perfect point. Before them in the snow was a rabbit large enough to provide the family at least a semblance of a Christmas feast. Dan raised the gun, aimed and squeezed the trigger.
The firing pin clicked but failed to ignite the shell inside the gun's chamber. The rabbit also heard the click and scurried away into a patch of thick underbrush.
"No!" Dan said. "A dud."
Ejecting the shell with a flip of the gun's polished lever, he watched it sink into the snow. Returning home empty-handed crossed his mind. Then he thought about his stoic little daughter's unusual show of tears, the fortitude of Mattie his long-suffering wife, and the look in his father's deep blue eyes, the same look he had seen the first time when he failed to make his school's varsity basketball squad.
He still had a single shell. It was probably a dud also, but he would never know unless he pointed the gun at something and pulled the trigger. The black and tan hound wasn't through with the hunt, his tail wagging as if he were having the time of his life. He rubbed his nose against Dan's knee, giving him a look as if to say, we'll get the next one. The dog's enthusiasm was infectious and Dan hurried after him through the snow.
Within minutes, the hound caught scent of something nearby. From the way he was pawing the snow and moving his tail, Dan knew that it wasn't another rabbit. It wasn't, and the animal they both saw next was unafraid of both of them. It was a hog, a monster-sized boar with tusks that curled out of its mouth like dual scimitars. Seeing them, it lowered its head, jostled the snow with its hoof, and then charged. Dan raised the gun, aimed and pulled the trigger.
Hearing only a hollow click, Dan knew instantly that his second shell was also a dud. When he took an instinctual backwards step, he tripped on a log and fell into the snow. Before he could get up, the boar was on him, ripping at his arms that he had raised in defense of his face.
The attack lasted only a few seconds before Casey launched himself into the fray, sinking his teeth into the boar's throat and then holding on as the giant beast began tossing and rolling, trying to loosen the hound's jaws from his jugular. Caught beneath the struggle, Dan tried to push the two animals off of him before one of the sharp hooves crushed his chest or put out an eye.
Finally yanking himself loose from the melee, Dan knew the heavy boar would soon beat the dog to death unless he acted quickly. Grabbing the gun by the barrel, he smashed the stock across the beast's wiry back, continuing to flail away until there was little left of the weapon except for broken wood and a bent piece of metal.
It didn't matter. The boar had had enough. Standing with difficulty, he tried to back away from the fight, Casey's teeth, now red with blood, still planted in its throat.
"Casey," Dan called, jumping to his feet and going after the boar again with the remains of his shotgun. "Let him go, boy, let him go," he yelled between whacks.
Exhausted, the big hound released his grip. The bloody boar wheeled around, starting away toward the shelter of nearby trees. He never made it, a bullet from a high-powered rifle felling him where he had stood.
Startled by the rifle shot, Dan turned to see two men, both carrying expensive rifles and dressed in the finest hunting garb Cabela's had to offer, enter the clearing. Before ever saying a word to him, they walked over to view the wild pig's carcass up close.
Dan dropped to his knees and crawled to where Casey lay on his back in a pool of blood. The hound was a mess, slowly coughing and wheezing as he tried to catch his breath. Dan rubbed his oversized head.
"It's all right, big boy.
Dan didn't notice the approach of the two men. "Are you okay?" one of them asked him.
Dan's coat was in shreds and his arms and face burned from cuts inflicted by the boar's tusks and hooves. He was also covered in blood, his own, the hog's and Casey's. "I'll make it," he said.
"More than I can say for that dog of yours," was the emotionless reply of the younger hunter.
Before Dan could answer, the older hunter spoke instead, and something in the tone of his voice caused adrenaline, freshly drained from Dan's body in the skirmish with the wild hog, to suddenly shoot through him again.
"We'll give you twenty dollars to help us drag the pig back to our truck."
"I don't think so. It's not your pig," Dan said.
"We shot it, and saved your life," the younger hunter replied.
"That dog saved my life. You two are on my property. You have no permission to hunt on it. The hog is mine."
"Your property, you say?"
"That's right. This whole mountainside and every acre on it. It was my parent's before me and my grandparent's before them."
"We trailed that boar for more than an hour," the younger hunter said. "He's ours."
"The Sheriff won't see it that way. He keeps a close eye on strangers in these parts."
"Look," the older hunter said. "We didn't know it was your property. We'll be happy to pay you for the hog."
"How much?" Dan asked.
"Fifty," the man answered.
"A hundred," Dan countered, "And another twenty for me to help you drag it to your pickup."
"Done," the older hunter said, retrieving five twenties from a thick roll of bills in his coat pocket and handing them to Dan.
The younger man had already gone for their nearby pickup. He returned shortly and Dan helped them hoist the heavy beast onto its flat bed. He didn't wait to watch them rumble away, but returned quickly to the bloody spot where Casey lay. Removing his coat, he wrapped it over the hound. Lifting him with some effort, he carried him the long mile back to the front seat of his own truck.
It was only a few more miles to the little tourist town of Marley's Peak, a settlement named after his own grandfather. Christmas lights were aglow on both sides of the street; tourists still window shopping and taking pictures with their digital cameras. Dan didn't notice. He only stopped when he reached the old two-storied Victorian house of Doc Mason, the local vet. Cradling the dog with both hands, he kicked on the door with his boot until he heard someone moving around inside. Soon, a gray-haired old man opened the door, not smiling when he saw Dan and the dog.
"Put him on the table," he directed after leading Dan to his doctor's office. "My, my," he said when he uncovered Casey. Shaking his head, he said, "He's lost a lot of blood, Dan. Don't know if he's going to make it."
"What can I do, Doc?"
"Get me some hot water and start praying," the old man said.
* * *
Skylar awoke Christmas morning at her usual early hour, but this day she was not the only one awake in the house. The first thing that she saw was a large holiday tree by the window. It was decorated with strings of popcorn and crowned with a golden angel. How wonderful, she thought. Then the odor of a sumptuous meal, cooking in the kitchen stove, reminded her it was Christmas. When she heard the whimper of a large hound by the fireplace, she began to cry.
"Casey," she said, rushing to where he lay. "What happened to you?"
Casey's tail thumped slowly against the hardwood floor and he licked the little girl's hand.
"He's banged up pretty good but he's going to be okay," Gramps said from his rocking chair. "Your Dad's pretty banged up too, but he hasn't told me yet what happened. Guess we'll have to wait for him to tell us."
There were three hastily-wrapped presents beneath the tree, apples, pears and shelled nuts in bowls on the kitchen table. Mattie stood at the stove, cooking bacon and eggs in her old cast iron skillet. For a moment, Skylar thought that she had died and gone to heaven.
An hour passed before the bedroom door opened and Dan appeared. He strolled stiffly to the stove where he gave his wife a hug and a lingering kiss. After savoring a sip from the cup of coffee Mattie gave him, he walked over to Skylar and the dog, knelt down beside them and kissed her on the forehead. It was then that she saw the fresh cuts on his face and hands.
"Dad, what happened?"
Dan quickly recounted the tale. "That dog doesn't have a lick of quit in him," he said, rubbing the hound's head. "Gramps is always talking about angels and yesterday he was my angel. He saved my life."
Gramp's joined them by the fire, resting his hand on his son's shoulder. "A man came by the house this morning. Wanted to know if we would consider giving him a hunting lease on the property. Said they would pay a thousand a month. I told him he'd have to come back later and talk to you about it."
Dan grinned. "Two thousand sounds more like it to me, but we'll work on that later. Now Sky, what can I do to fill your Christmas wish?
The black and tan's tail thumped slowly against the hardwood floor as Skylar hugged his big neck, and then her dad's. Smiling, she said, "Dad, you already did."
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Tipsy Sweet Potatoes
8 sweet potatoes, cooked peeled and mashed
1/4 pound softened butter
2 cups brown sugar
1 teaspoon allspice
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup bourbon
1/2 cup flour
2 tablespoons butter
1 cup chopped pecans
Combine sweet potatoes with softened butter. 1 cup brown sugar, spices and bourbon; mix well. Pour into a buttered 2 quart casserole.
Cut the 2 tablespoons butter into flour with a pastry blender until crumbly. Add remaining cup of brown sugar and pecans and blend well. Sprinkle on top of potatoes and bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes.
Courtesy SueEllen G. Butler in Louisiana Entertains - a complete menu cookbook
1/4 pound softened butter
2 cups brown sugar
1 teaspoon allspice
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup bourbon
1/2 cup flour
2 tablespoons butter
1 cup chopped pecans
Combine sweet potatoes with softened butter. 1 cup brown sugar, spices and bourbon; mix well. Pour into a buttered 2 quart casserole.
Cut the 2 tablespoons butter into flour with a pastry blender until crumbly. Add remaining cup of brown sugar and pecans and blend well. Sprinkle on top of potatoes and bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes.
Courtesy SueEllen G. Butler in Louisiana Entertains - a complete menu cookbook
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Ice Storm 2007
I awoke this morning to learn that my family and I were not the only ones affected by Oklahoma Ice Storm 2007. Tonight, 618,000 people are without electric power, hotels and motels filled to capacity. I drove through much of Oklahoma City today and was surprised at the damage I observed. Branches from broken trees littered yards and roadways. What's in store? A major winter snow storm this Friday. Okies are tough but it's cold so please say a little prayer for Oklahoma.
Pralines - a recipe
3 cups sugar
3/4 cup milk
3/4 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons butter
2 1/2 cups pecans
Place 2 cups of sugar and milk in a large saucepane. Cook slowly. At the same time put other cup of sugar in another saucepan on low heat; stir until melted. Pour melted sugar slowly into the milk and sugar that should be ready to boil, mixing while adding. Cook slowly until a firm ball will form when dropped into cold water. Remove from heat. Add vanilla and butter and beat until mixture begins to thicken. Stir in pecans. Grease counter top with cooking oil and cover with wax paper. Drop batter by small spoonfuls onto wax paper. Pralines will set immediately and will come up easily without breaking.
Makes 2 1/2 dozen
Recipe courtesy of Carrie F. Cade in Louisiana Entertains - a complete menu cookbook
3/4 cup milk
3/4 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons butter
2 1/2 cups pecans
Place 2 cups of sugar and milk in a large saucepane. Cook slowly. At the same time put other cup of sugar in another saucepan on low heat; stir until melted. Pour melted sugar slowly into the milk and sugar that should be ready to boil, mixing while adding. Cook slowly until a firm ball will form when dropped into cold water. Remove from heat. Add vanilla and butter and beat until mixture begins to thicken. Stir in pecans. Grease counter top with cooking oil and cover with wax paper. Drop batter by small spoonfuls onto wax paper. Pralines will set immediately and will come up easily without breaking.
Makes 2 1/2 dozen
Recipe courtesy of Carrie F. Cade in Louisiana Entertains - a complete menu cookbook
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Mint Julep
2 cups sugar
1 cup water
16 sprigs mint
4 pounds finely crushed ice
8 1 1/2 jiggers bourbon
Confectioners's sugar and mint for garnish
Mix sugar and water; bring to a boil, stirring. Cool. Place 2 sprigs of mint in each glass; crush to release mint flavor. Add 2 ounces of the sugar syrup, stirring gently. Fill glass with ice. Add 1 jigger of whiskey. Stir until glass frosts. Top with sprig of mint and sprinkling of powdered sugar. Recipe courtesy of Wilbert Martin in Louisiana Entertains - a complete menu cookbook
1 cup water
16 sprigs mint
4 pounds finely crushed ice
8 1 1/2 jiggers bourbon
Confectioners's sugar and mint for garnish
Mix sugar and water; bring to a boil, stirring. Cool. Place 2 sprigs of mint in each glass; crush to release mint flavor. Add 2 ounces of the sugar syrup, stirring gently. Fill glass with ice. Add 1 jigger of whiskey. Stir until glass frosts. Top with sprig of mint and sprinkling of powdered sugar. Recipe courtesy of Wilbert Martin in Louisiana Entertains - a complete menu cookbook
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A mystical journey down the crossroads and winding pathways of Eric Wilder's mind.